Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Who is able to use the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal, and how will I be informed about the portal's availability?
The main contact person at your company who is named in the Intention to Exhibit is automatically designated as a portal user. This person is allowed to designate additional individuals as authorised users. The portal user will be sent an email informing them of the availability of the portal.
What access details should I use for the login?
Simply go to and login using your personal Messe-Login, which consists of your email address and your chosen password. If you are already signed in to the Shop for Exhibitor Services, you will automatically remain logged in when you switch to the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal.
Why does the following message appear: “Please note that you currently have no authorization for this service. Please contact the contact person/contractor named in the declaration of participation. This person can designate further representatives.”?
The contact person named in the Intention to Exhibit is automatically registered as a portal user authorised to place orders. It is possible to designate additional persons as representatives.
How can I designate someone as a representative?
As the main contact person, you can designate additional persons as representatives in the User management area of the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal. These representatives will have the same rights as you do (personalise exhibitor passes, invite visitors).
Exhibitor passes
What are exhibitor passes?
Exhibitor passes are valid throughout the hours of the event and entitle the holder to enter the exhibition grounds one hour before the official opening time. Exhibitor passes are intended solely for use by exhibitors and stand personnel and may not be given to customers.
How can I obtain my free allocation of exhibitor passes?
The exhibitor passes that used to be sent with the service folder have now been replaced by our new digital ticket service. Your allocation of free passes is automatically assigned to your stand, and is displayed for you in the portal.
Why do I have to create my own exhibitor passes, instead of having them sent to me as in the past?
Exhibitor passes are now only available in personalised form. As the exhibitor, you know which colleagues/employees you will need at your stand. By allowing you to generate your exhibitor passes in our Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal, we give you the opportunity to create your own personalised exhibitor passes any time you want, quickly and easily, and to send these by email.
How can I change the personalisation of the exhibitor passes?
Go to the list of exhibitor passes and click on the pass you wish to edit. This pass will be opened, and you can use the Edit ticket function to change the personalisation data as required.
Please note that when you change the personalisation data, the original ticket is invalidated and can no longer be used.
If the ticket in question has already been used to enter the event, it will be counted against the allocation of free passes. If the allocation of free passes has already been exhausted, the exhibitor will be invoiced for this pass.
If I cancel my participation, will the exhibitor passes become invalid?
In the event that an exhibitor cancels their participation, these passes automatically become invalid and can no longer be used.
Is it also possible to order exhibitor passes in the form of pkpass files that I can open on my smartphone with the corresponding app (e.g. Wallet)?
Exhibitor passes will also be delievered in the form of pkpass files.
Do exhibitor passes entitle the holder to travel on local public transport within the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund area (RMV) free of charge?
Personalised exhibitor passes can be used to travel to and from the trade fair on the public transportation network throughout the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund area (RMV) on the official trade fair days (more information online at:
Free travel on the public transportation network within the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund area (RMV) is permitted only for the person named on the ticket – only in combination with the PDF and a valid photo ID.
Visitor admission vouchers
What are visitor admission vouchers?
You can use visitor admission vouchers to invite your customers to the trade fair.
In order to convert these vouchers into valid tickets, your customers must register them online in Messe Frankfurt’s Online Ticketing system at
You can generate visitor admission vouchers in the form of voucher links, voucher codes and voucher PDFs and send these to your customers.
What options do I have for generating visitor admission vouchers?
Option 1: Would you like to send the visitor admission vouchers yourself?
There are two ways in which you can do this:
Voucher code
You will receive an email with a download link for an Excel file. The Excel file contains voucher codes in numeric form, as well as voucher codes that are integrated into URLs.
You can include these in your newsletter campaign, for example, or send them to your customers individually.
Voucher codes are very suitable for being sent by post – URLs with integrated voucher codes, on the other hand, are very good for use in email campaigns.
Voucher code in PDF format
You will receive an email containing a download link for the PDF files for your invitations, which you can print out and pass on to your visitors.
Option 2: Would you like us to do this for you?
Voucher link / voucher link from an Excel template
Your visitor receives an email in your name containing a voucher link. They can then go directly to Messe Frankfurt’s Online Ticketing system, register and download their ticket.
If you would like to write to a large number of visitors simultaneously, select the option Voucher links from an Excel template. Here you will find an Excel template into which you can enter the email addresses of all the recipients. The Excel template is then uploaded, and all the recipients will be written to automatically.
Is it also possible to generate visitor admission vouchers in the form of pkpass files?
It is not possible to generate visitor admission vouchers in the form of pkpass files. Once the vouchers have been registered online in Messe Frankfurt’s Online Ticketing system at, these admission vouchers are converted into valid tickets.
After they have registered their admission vouchers, the customers will be sent an email. This email contains the ticket in the form of a PDF file, as well as in the form of a pkpass file.
Do visitor admission vouchers entitle the holder to free travel to and from the trade fair on the public transportation network within the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) area?
Only those visitor admission vouchers that have been registered online entitle the holder to free travel within the RMV area. Visitor admission vouchers that are registered at the ticket counter or at a redemption terminal do not entitle the holder to free travel within the RMV area.
Voucher codes / voucher links
I requested voucher codes / voucher links and passed these on to my customers. What should my customers do with them?
Once your customer has received their voucher code / voucher link, they can go to Messe Frankfurt’s Online Ticketing system at and register their voucher code / voucher link. After this, they can generate their own ticket.
Contact list and usage data
How can I access the usage data for exhibitor passes and vouchers?
You can access the usage data for a particular ticket list by going to the Show menu and selecting the “Used tickets/Used vouchers” filter function. Once you have done this, select the datasets in which you are interested, then use the “Download contacts" function to download this information.
In the Show area, you can filter according to valorous criteria, such as tickets registered, tickets used etc.
Where can I access the customer and usage data after the event, and how long after the event can I do so?
You can access this data directly in the portal. You will receive the usage data in the form of an Excel list. The data will remain available for at least six months after the event.
What does the contact list contain?
The contact list contains the data entered for each ticket.
Ticket lists
Does the ticket list also include tickets that I ordered as printed tickets?
Yes, you can also see these tickets in the list.
The pass list (exhibitor passes) or voucher list (visitor admission vouchers) shows tickets that I cannot process or print. Why is this?
If you are able to see tickets in your lists that cannot be processed or printed, this usually means that the tickets have been sent to you by post.
These tickets are only shown in the portal to ensure that you can see all of your data, and they cannot be processed.
Invoicing and allocations of free passes
When will an invoice be sent?
Both exhibitor passes and visitor admission vouchers are invoiced after the end of the event. Only those exhibitor passes and visitor admission vouchers that are actually used will be invoiced.
Will I be sent the invoice by email or by post?
All invoices are sent digital.
To whom will the invoice be addressed?
The invoice will be addressed to the contracting party.
Are there allocations of free passes, and if so, how are these determined?
As an exhibitor, you are automatically assigned an allocation of free exhibitor passes.
As a rule, the allocations of free passes are based on the size of your stand.
How are the allocations of free exhibitor passes dealt with during invoicing?
These are automatically taken into account for the invoicing process by deducting the allocation of free passes from the number of tickets/passes used.
The stand size has changed. Will my allocation of free passes automatically be adjusted?
Yes, the allocation of free passes is adjusted automatically. In the event that the stand is expanded, the allocation of free passes is increased – if the stand is made smaller, the allocation of free passes is reduced.
How can I cancel an order in the portal?
There is no need to cancel any orders, as only those tickets that are actually used to enter the event will be invoiced. It is possible to block tickets within the ticket management section. Once this has been done, the tickets can no longer be used.
Order deadlines
What is the deadline for generating and sending exhibitor passes and visitor admission vouchers in the portal?
You can generate and send exhibitor passes and visitor admission vouchers in the portal until shortly before the end of the trade fair.
Other questions
What is the difference between the Shop for Exhibitor Services and the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal?
You can use the Shop for Exhibitor Services for services related to every aspect of your trade fair appearance – in the Passes category you will find a link to the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal.
You can use the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal to generate and manage your exhibitor passes and visitor admission vouchers digitally.
For privacy and data protection reasons, persons who have been designated as representatives in the Shop for Exhibitor Services are not automatically authorised to place orders in the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal. Additional persons can be designated as representatives in the User management area of the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal. You can access the User management section via the “pencil” icon. This is located next to the stand number on the overview page.
I still have questions regarding the Ticket Services for Exhibitors portal. Who can help me?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our service hotline.
You can reach us by email at